10 Books and Resources for Rotational Grazers
Graziers book guide
There is no shortage of resources for both beginner and expert grazers who are trying to learn more about rotational grazing and management intensive grazing. Many of the pioneers behind this field have made their knowledge openly available, and you can explore their knowledge for the same cost as a few step-in posts.
There are also online courses involving established grazers, available through Stockman Grassfarmer and other online resources. Below is a list of 10 books/resources we recommend for beginner and advanced grazers alike. We encourage you to do your own research, as the educational resources in this field are plentiful and ever changing.
Explore our recommended titles from Gordon Hazard, Greg Judy, Jim Gerrish, Gene Logsdon, Wendell Berry, Edmund Morris, Joel Salatin & more:
1. Thoughts and Advice from an Old Cattleman: By Gordon Hazard
This book from Gordon Hazard explores the dynamics of grass finishing and breeding for grass-to-gain ratio rather than stock size alone. Gordon takes a practical approach, going in-depth into finance management, pasture management, parasites, marketing, cattle handling, and much more.
2. How to Think Like a Grazier, by Greg Judy
In this hard to find book Greg Judy explains going from broke in the 90's to running a leased-land grazing operation. Greg Judy touches on the philosophical, existential, and practical elements of rotational grazing, as well as the feasibility of leased-land operations for graziers. In all of his books Greg Judy tackles the challenge of low-cost grazing and the barriers to entry at play.
3. Management-intensive Grazing: By Jim Gerrish
If you are looking for a well rounded book about management intensive grazing, this is your best starting point. Jim Gerrish is the one who originally coined the term "Management intensive Grazing", "MiG" for short. Jim explores pasture fertility and managing grazing density based on both seasonality and demand. The author also explores permanent fencing and the practicality of permanent fencing as well as portable fencing.
4. Comeback Farms: Book by Greg Judy
One of the most daunting things for a new grazier is the element of sunk cost. In this book Greg Judy explains that infrastructure investment can be minimized and existing farming operations can be augmented for maximum capital efficiency and parasite resistance. If you are exploring a mixed grazing operation with sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, or other forms of mix-grazing, this is definitely one you should explore.
5. No Risk Ranching: By Greg Judy
For those entering the grazing field and changing their general lifestyle, this book by Greg Judy provides a great insight into the transition required to make these first steps in a way that mitigates risk and reduces cost. Greg Judy talks about the criteria that determines what pieces of land he leases, and how the grazier can optimize for capital efficiency and fertility in their own bootstrap operation.
6. Letter to a Young Farmer: By Gene Logsdon
In this eloquent classic the late Gene Logsdon compiles a final book of essays aimed at offering guidance to the young farmer and the "contrary farmer". Gene takes a philosophical and technologically aware approach to describing the challenges, evolution, and technology of sheep grazing/agriculture, while emphasizing the concept of living richly without wealth.
Find on Amazon.
7. Ten Acres Enough: By Edmund Morris
Take a step back in time with this classic 1864 guide to independent farming on small acreage. While the financial numbers are well past modern practicality, the general concepts of risk management and crop diversification shine through in this book that explores buying a small farm in the New Jersey countryside and turning it into a polyculture of crop production.
Find on Amazon.
8. Bringing It To The Table: By Wendell Berry
In this collection of essays Wendell Berry, the author of dozens of books of poetry and fiction explores his own experiences with small scale farming and how this has shaped his perspective of society and technology. Wendell also explores the structure of the family farm by visiting a variety of different farms across the country.
Find on Amazon.
9. The Sheer Ecstasy of being a Lunatic Farmer By Joel Salatin
Joel Salatin is a well know grazier and philanthropist who in this book expresses the challenges and benefits of alternative agriculture that challenges the conventional and industrial way of farming. Salatin discusses soil/pasture growth, the pigness of pigs, portable infrastructure, community-oriented marketing, and much more in what has become a timeless classic.
Find on Amazon.
10. The Pastoralist Blog - Travis Krause & Mandy Corso
This blog run by ranchers/farmers Travis Krause & Mandy Corso explores regenerative agriculture and family farming for the modern rancher. Travis & Mandy touch on preferred equipment (including Powerflex products), and the general adoption of regenerative agriculture across North America and the rest of the world.
Browse here.
11. Stockman Grassfarmer
If you are looking for a well rounded education around grazing and livestock farming, look no further than this resource. Stockman Grassfarmer offers regular seminars from renound farmers (some who are authors of books listed above) and digital educational resources/videos that go deep into what's required to run a modern ranch. We sometimes offer special discounts for these courses, available through our Specials page. Stockman Grassfarmer really is top of its class when it comes to grazier education.
Explore Stockman Grassfarmer here.
Explore all of our available book titles:
Want to see all our titles on one page? Explore all our available book titles from Gordon Hazard, Greg Judy, Jim Gerrish, & more in the Powerflex book collection.
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